May 2010 Issue of the Center for Real Estate Quarterly Features The Sheldon Cooperative

Portland State University's Center for Real Estate recently completed an article ("Cooperative Housing in Portland: Development Alternative in an Uncertain Market") that does a great job explaining the advantages of The Sheldon Co-op. The article states that with the condition of the financial market, there is a demand for creative, alternative development solutions, and goes on to explain how cooperative housing models are advantageous.
Atha Mansoory, J.D., Certificate of Real Estate Development Graduate Student explains:
Specifically, cooperative housing allows for responsive design, mitigation of market risk, empowered financing structures, and egalitarian operation of services. These and other innate advantages are particularly attractive for adults facing long-term housing decisions, often having recently sold single-family detached houses. Cooperative housing allows for flexibility in design, pre-sale requirements, finance, construction, resident control and operation of services that traditional continued care facilities and condominiums cannot.
The PSU article also goes into depth about the benefits of HUD financing. One of the greatest advantage is a 40-year amortizing fixed-interest rate loan that results is financial predictability and financial security to the membership. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the role and advantages of HUD financing are invited to read the whole PSU cooperative housing article.
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